Author Archives: Niki Lopez

The Columbine Memorial was dedicated to the public in September 2007, nine years after 13 people were shot and killed at Columbine High School.

When a young student picks up a weapon and murders other youth, his parents and other adults in his family become part of the violent equation in his life. When one of these incidents occurs, they loudly trumpet deep familial dysfunction. Borrowing from Tolstoy: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in […]

5 influential Black Americans we don’t talk about enough

Martin Luther King Jr. Rosa Parks. Malcom X. Frederick Douglas. Harriet Tubman. When we think of Black History Month, these are some of the names that come to mind. We’ve learned about these figures in school, in studying slavery and the civil rights movement, yet there are so many Black Americans who didn’t make it into our textbooks despite […]

Why do we need Black History Month?

At CoAGG, we are committed to educating and spreading awareness around global genocide and crimes against humanity, as well as addressing important work that needs to be done in our own backyard.  Because of this, we are launching content in 2024 that will highlight recognition and awareness of months such as Black History Month, Women’s […]