We Need Your Support

“Architects of evil and genocide still continue to practice their despicable trade and the world still reacts too passively, too late,” says Roz Duman, founder of the Coalition Against Global Genocide. This is an unfortunate truth, and at CoAGG, our desire for change has never been stronger.

We have always believed that awareness and education are the first steps to elicit action, and have been steadfast in our commitment to educate the public about

genocide and crimes against humanity. And while we have made great progress, it’s time to uplevel our efforts and impact. As such, the Coalition Against Global Genocide is embarking on a transformative journey and we need your support and partnership now more than ever.

We invite you to join us in our journey and ask that you show your support by

contributing to our capital campaign. This campaign aims to secure the necessary

resources to expand our impact, enhance our programs, and reach more individuals with our message of hope and empowerment. Your contribution to our capital campaign will enable us to:

  • Work closely with educational institutions to empower students in their efforts to end genocide and crimes against humanity
  • Expand our speakers bureau to feature genocide survivors and experts to share

    their stories and insights

  • Hold governments accountable for their actions and advocate for policies that

    combat genocide and crimes against humanity

  • Collaborate with media outlets to ensure accurate, compassionate reporting on

    genocide and crimes against humanity-related events

We must band together as we seek to educate, motivate, and empower individuals and communities to stand against genocide and crimes against humanity. As part of this, we will be resuming the “Never Again” podcast in September and look forward to recording our next set of episodes.

We would not be where we are today without your unwavering belief in our mission and we are so grateful. Your generous donation will greatly increase the impact of our efforts and we thank you in advance for your support. To donate visit: https://www.coagg.org/donate/